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Patriot Party Rising

We The People are coming together. People who still believe in America as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

E Pluribus Unum

Out of Many, One

The United states of America is a country where each legal citizen has equal rights under the law. There is no cast system. We all have the same opportunities as every other American to pursue our dreams in life.

The conservative Party in the two party system, the majority in the GOP have turned their backs on their President and on the American people as a whole. They no longer represent conservative values and have acquiesced to a liberal, socialist system, rather than put up a good fight. This is cowardly. Why should we follow cowards into the political battle? Why should we support them if they do not represent us?

Let us join together from all walks of life and get involved in community, into civics, into local politics. Change begins at home, right in our own backyard. If you do not like the way things are, the way to make a difference is to work toward a better goal. Work toward solutions rather than focus on problems and division.

If you do not feel that Government represents you any longer and that you want to see Liberty remain in our Republic, this may be the place for you!

Too many true Patriots, true American heroes have fought and died to defend our way of life. To defend our Constitution and the principles that make our country great. Pride in our country is not racist, pride in our country means we accept the melting pot of cultures and people who have embraced the American way. Let us not allow a globalist agenda to change our way of life, let us band together as Patriots and build a new Party that embraces these American ideals. We The People, in order to form a more perfect Union!!!

Long live the Republic of the United states!

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