National Committee
A Populist Movement of
We The People

FEC ID: C00773622
Filed 03/18/2021
Liberty Television

Putting Boots on the Ground
The Patriot Movement in America is for ending Corruption in American Politics. The days of the GOP & DNC career politicians are over.
We are taking our country back one vote at a time and we need YOUR HELP.
We are America First, Constitutionally Conservative, team of the people. We believe in fiscal responsibility and term limits.
Join us in our efforts nationwide to take back the Republic.
Volunteer to help on a state or national level.
This website also serves as a communications portal for both state Patriot Party PAC Leaders, Candidates to share information and connect with website members and each other in our efforts to bring political reformation to our nation.
If you would like to become a member please click the Log In button at the top of the page.
We have built a nationally registered PAC which will support America First Candidates who want to primary out the RINOS in the GOP
An American Populist Movement is the Future!
This is not about a new Party!!! This is about We The People coming together AS ONE movement. We believe in the Bill Of Rights, economic freedom, traditional values, and personal freedom. Also, we advocate for a non-interventionist foreign policy, as well as the restructuring of trade deals, so as to benefit our nation's imports and exports. Last, but not least, we have momentum from a grassroots level of support, as many individuals are fed up entirely with career politicians and are ready to show the RINOs and Democrats they are ready for a change.
We must take over the Conservative Movement and get rid of the UniParty RINOs who have helped the Democrats to ruin this country.
This starts right at home. This starts by going to City Council Mettings and School Board Meetings. By running as candidate in City, State and Federal Elections. This starts by taking back our vote and moving on our legislators to remove the Electronic Voting Machines that are used to steal our votes.
It starts with US! We The People. The Party Party is NOT a Political Party, it is a Movement of the people to tack back America!