PATRIOT PARTY ~ Reality Check!
In order for there to be an actual "Patriot Party" in the future, there needs to be a "Boots on the Ground" effort by thousands of organizers at the local level.
I think having these chat rooms on telegram is cool, however, if you want to see this movement actually established as a major third party, a great deal of work needs to happen at the local level first!
Not to bash the social media groups, but when you put together these "State Leadership Teams" in a chat room, what are you actually accomplishing? Gaining more followers for your chat group?
We need legislation for voting reformation on the ballot, we need to get PATRIOT candidates ballot access, we need to vet and run PATRIOT campaigns. We need county leadership and volunteer teams! Calling yourself a "Party" just looks foolish to those running actual campaigns.
This may seem harsh, however if you want to see a PATRIOT in your city council, or any other State or Federal office, then you need to start petitions.
Starting a state PAC is a good way to raise funding to pay for staff to build a worker base of paid and volunteer workers willing to gather signatures on a petition. These petitions are the much needed first step in getting anything accomplished at the legislative level.
If you are serious about starting a viable Party, then go to your secretary of state website and look up any Patriot related PACs that may be in your state. If not start one and start putting more time in getting boots on the ground to build a movement like they have been doing in California to petition to recall Governor Newsom. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is a time for more action and less debate. Spend less time in the chat rooms debating what everyone else is doing and step up to the plate and take action. Stop arguing over a National Platform. The more time you spend arguing, the less you accomplish for the movement. When there is an actual RECOGNIZED National Committee, then you can debate as a County Chair or Precinct Committeeman. Research the rules of the GOP and what they say about County Chairmen and who votes in the Primaries.
There is so much more to this than having another "Official Patriot Party" Chat room or group.
I advise you to get serious Patriots and come together in your city, county and state first!
Start a PATRIOT PAC in your state
Start fundraising efforts
Fund petitions
Vet Candidates and Build a Campaign
Build up District Team Leadership
Build up and Train Volunteers
As far as I know the only state to have done all of the above is Arizona www.stopthrinos.com
Personally I am just beginning to build a core team in Idaho. It will take months of effort to build out district leadership, then raise funding and begin petition campaigns.
Anyone thinking there is a fast track to making this Patriot Party a reality is misinformed. The GOP now wants to primary out the RINOs and primary in true conservatives, there is no exodus of GOP leaders to a Patriot Party that I am aware of.
As Steve Bannon keeps saying on War Room, "Action, Action, Action". That is what it will take to see the Patriot Party become more than a pipe dream and something to chat about on social media!
William Johnson
Idaho Patriot Party PAC